Category Archives: Uncategorized

Season 2: Ep 1 – A Bunch of Research Types

Late June, Kristina and I recorded an episode where we talked about the future of the MRxplorer podcast. In that episode, we shared that we would be looking for people to share their stories and experiences of being BIPOC in market research. We then took a summer break in part for our sanity, in part to allow ourselves time to… Read more »

AI: the dream vs the reality

Artificial intelligence has received a ton of attention lately, along with other forward-looking technologies like blockchain, microtech, etc. I recently had the pleasure of listening to a talk about AI that felt far more realistic than most talks, and I found my dreamer self battling it out with my practical self. Suddenly, I thought, “Oh, that would be a great… Read more »

Where did she go?

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Usually, it seems when a blogger goes absent for a bit, it’s because of Big Plans they’re working on for their blog, website, etc. Or they just got busy. For me, it’s the latter. March proved to be an insane month, taking me away from keeping up with the market research bloggers I usually follow, and taking me away from… Read more »