Tag Archives: survey

What do you mean, it’s not mobile-friendly?

In the last few months of 2015, I started noticing a new trend in market research blogs. This trend moved us away from focusing entirely on making surveys mobile-friendly, and instead transitioned to the term, “device-agnostic.”

Survey design tip: what will you do with the data?

will you act on the feedback

So far, in the weekly series about survey design tips, I’ve covered establishing the primary purpose for your survey; identifying your target audience for your survey; defining the different data cuts you want when you get the data back. Today, I want to delve a bit into the question of what will be done with the data once it’s gathered…. Read more »

Survey design tip: how will you slice the data?

When it comes to the survey design, things can get complicated quickly. (I think there’s an exponential curve to the level of complication around survey design based on the number of individuals involved in the survey design.) The aim of these survey design tips is to help you reduce the level of complication, regardless the number of people involved. So,… Read more »

#Bigdata, human error, Safe Harbor, segmentation, and brand measures: it’s the #FridayFive!

This week saw a couple of big announcements in big data and Safe Harbor. Add to that some help with your segmentation strategies, remembering that behind all analytics and interpretation of data are humans, and ideas on changing the way we measure brands, and you have this week’s Friday Five!

The most important step to survey writing

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Last week, I wrote a post about eliminating bias in decision-making, and introducing the topic of using surveys to help inform decisions. At the end of the post, I addressed the fact that writing surveys is a difficult thing to do, promising follow-on posts with tips for writing better surveys. This week, we’re kicking off the series with the first,… Read more »