Category Archives: Recaps

Webinar recap: How Non-Native English Speakers Respond to English Surveys

webinar recap: how ESL speakers respond to surveys

Last week, Annie Pettit from Peanut Labs gave a really fascinating presentation on how non-native English speakers respond to English-language surveys. (For the remainder of this post, I’ll be referring to these two groups as ESL and native English speakers.) Here are my take-aways, with some of my own thoughts mixed in, since this really caused me to reflect on… Read more »

Recap from attending The Cutting Edge of NewMR webinar

About a month ago, I saw that there would be a webinar focused on the cutting edge of new market research technologies. I looked forward to this webinar from the moment I read about it to the moment it started. I get really excited about what’s being done in the market research industry to take advantage of the wealth of… Read more »